DFG Research Unit:
Space-Time Reference Systems for Monitoring Global Change and for Precise Navigation in Space

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DFG Research Unit 1503

Space-Time Reference Systems for Monitoring Global Change and for Precise Navigation in Space

The objective of Research Unit 1503 is to develop integrative methods and procedures for a consistent definition and realisation of reference systems on Earth and in space. In an environment of ever increasing observing capabilities as well as of social and scientific needs, a framework of reference systems will be produced which are linked consistently with an appropriate level of accuracy to guarantee a solid basis for measuring geometric effects of Global Change and for high-precision navigation near Earth and in deep space. The contributions of various groups active in geodetic, astronomical and space sciences enable a comprehensive interdisciplinary treatment of reference systems.

Speaker: Axel Nothnagel, Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, University of Bonn

UN-GGIM Global Geodetic Reference Frame for Sustainable Development
UN-GGIM Global Geodetic Reference Frame
for Sustainable Development
Project team
Project team

Results from PN5

Results from PN5: GNSS height time series for GNSS station Zwenigorod (Russia, blue) compared to deformation from geophysical models (red) and estimated seasonal signal (green). Source: PN5 (BKG)